Whether you sell directly to customers or to business entities, our brand media relations experts help you make the most of your budget through relevant journalism platforms and individuals. We’ve got both the networks and networking experience to help you create media campaigns that reach convertible audiences.
Journalist influence Effectiveness (%)
Making your message grasp public interest can be challenging. But with our help, it doesn't have to be. We’ll guide you for the completion of the entire media relations process with ease. From crafting a compelling story to identifying the relevant journalists, and managing your brand coverage – Vitruvian has you covered!
Determine the information you want to communicate through the media to attract your audience. Staying on point about this will help you save time later on when you pitch your ideas.
Research relevant media outlets and journalists to enhance the influence of your media campaign. Getting this part done helps you avoid the platforms less likely to generate results.
Develop good terms with journalists with responsive communication, and socialization at meetups. These professional connections with said individuals increase the likelihood of their cooperation.
Offer journalists and related media individuals pitches that peak their interests as well as your own. This too increases the chances that the story gets picked up due to its relatability with the publisher.
Monitor and respond to the resulting media coverage to suggest your required changes. Accidents and mishaps can occur. So, once the media highlights your brand, keep an eye out for corrections.
Delivery Rate
Campaigns Launched
Increased Conversion
Customer Support
Journalists receive a lot of pitches. The best ones don’t even have time to personally check those. So, when our Vitruvian Artists reach out to them, we ensure sure your brand’s message stands out and offers a unique angle or story their audience would like. We do that by doing the following:
your brand to shine through
the digital abyss.